IBIZA 2024

Are you ready for your Mediterranean Hideaway to Relax & Recharge?
Want to get away from it all for a bit and crave a mini time-out?
A yoga weekend is an opportunity to pause for a moment and catch your breath. You finally have time to gather new strength and are together with like-minded people.
Casa Wonne is a hidden private gem on the island of dance and music. This weekend is your chance to experience the crystal clear ocean of this special island. The Hippie Market, Las Dalias. Secret spots like caves and “Es Vedra”. Being nourished by healthy vegetarian or vegan food with so much love. This is your little time out from work, family and all your daily tasks. Deep connection from within with the island, your soul and your body. Ready with a lot of clarity to take your next steps.
Give yourself this time to recharge, let go and realign and nourish all your layers and bodies from deep within. Deep release and feeling more relaxed. A calm nervous system and much more clarity with improved mental health. More flexibility and strength on a physical level. Me- time for relaxation at the pool or ocean. Your Time to reconnect with the wisdom from within.
4 Anmeldungen sind schon hereingeflattert. Somit habe ich noch 2 Plätze. Derzeit 4 Deutschsprachige Teilnehmer. Falls alle Deutsch sprechen findet das Retreat auf jeden Fall auch auf Deusch statt.
I am so much looking forward to you and this magic <3
July 4th – July 7th 2024
Near Eivissa Town/ Ibiza Island/ Spain
Casa Wonne

More people who live from their center in harmony and peace with themselves and their world and are thus also present for others.
Healing & Transformation
People who draw from the full and love what they do
Conscious people who make their decisions out of love & with higher intention & purpose
More light, joy & movement
Become the version of yourself you want to be. Each small step will magically change your life. Conscious alignment, a healthy body, and mindful awareness are the keys to sustainable, long-term, and inclusive realization. Success & Happiness are then certain, inevitable
Join the inside – Move the insight
What others say about me….
Lally Molina
Retreat SpainI have the pleasure to meet Ulrike Manhart during a Yoga retreat in Mallorca. She is a very knowledgeable teacher and a lovely human being. I love every minute of the retreat, her kindness, loving and caring attitude was a highlight. I highly recommend any of her retreats, workshops and yoga classes.
Ramona Pfneiszl
Retreat MallorcaLiebe Ulli. danke für deine besonders liebevolle & tiefgehende Art. Die Woche war für mich nourishing pur – und das Yoga war der Traum. Vor allem auch die Hintergründe und die Zusammenhänge, die du uns mitgegeben hast. Ich habe eine tiefere Verbindung zu meinem Körper erfahren und nehme ser viel aus der Woche mit. Ein Healing-Retreat auf allen Ebenen. 😀
Karla Ramos
Retreat MallorcaThis Retreat truly put me in touch with my essence even deeper. The love, peace and happiness I felt was so amazing. Ulli is a true gift for aynone who has the privilege of meeting her. The group of ladies was also beautiful, the finca and the food fantastic. Overall a wonderful experience. This trip was so important to me I feel I have quantumn leaped in my spirituality I released so much and defenitely touched my essence. Thank you Ulli
Marco Antonio Stipsits
Retreat AustriaThe „Rise-High-Healing“ Retreat at Haarberghof actually deserves 6 stars!
One star for the choice of this beautiful place in a dreamlike natural environment!
One star for the accommodation, hospitality and the hospitality with „Soul-Food-Deluxe“!
One star for the really great and above all balanced program, which lasted from early in the morning until late in the evening!
One star for the empathetic and understanding cooperation and the possibility to „just be yourself“.
One star for the absolutely competent know-how in the many areas such as physiology, TCM, energy, yoga, breathing, etc.
One star for the remarkable after-effect in the physical, mental and emotional area!One feels more agile, fresher, better, more refreshed!
Claudine Klöhn
Personal Training 1:1 Yoga SessionsUlli is simply fantastic! She understands very well to engage with her counterpart. For one week every day started with Ulli – they were wonderful days.
Elisabeth Müller
Retreat AustriaAt Ulli’s yoga retreat at Haarberghof „high rise healing“ I felt totally comfortable from the beginning. The lovely welcome, the beautiful courtyard, garden, flowers, herbs and fields, our „bamboo“ room, all the same magic🌈The retreat was well planned and balanced in terms of rhythm. The energizing hatha in the morning and the calming yin yoga in the evening were lovingly put together. Long shavasana, beautiful music accompaniment and ulli’s beautiful voice while chanting mantras accompanied us on the path through the 4 elements. At the element 🔥 we began with a light meditation and ended the day with a view of the sunset and a campfire incl.impressive starry sky🙏 and shamanic drumming. Ulli responded to all participants individually, gave alternatives in the degree of difficulty of the asanas and aids (blocks, cushions, chairs…). We were spoiled 2 times a day with culinary delights of the Haarberghof. Brunch from kraftbrühe to freshly picked ripe tomatoes and in the evening various vegetarian surprises refined with edible flowers. 🌸🏵️🌼Much time in nature, crowned by a swimming trip to königsdorf on the day „water“, good conversations, serious, enriching and also full of lightness ❤️ and it was also enough time and space to withdraw and be for yourself. Pure relaxation and coming together, highly recommended, with great gratitude, namaste, Elisabeth 😍
Cornelia Sagmeister
Yoga & MantraUlli is that fairy-kind of Person that always Seems to be lifted up a few inches off the ground- it seems like her smile gives her wings…And this smile, this lightness and softness she shares in her courses while at the same time she guides you gently but powerful to this deep places within to reconnect, let go and relax…Thank you for sharing your passion -
Jenny Scheiber
Private Yin & regular Yoga CoursesUlli is a truly professional yogi who lives yoga with all her heart and soul. She has already helped me through and in many situations very much with her knowledge and support. I am grateful for every moment that I can share with her.
Carla Lobos
AstrologyNot only a wonderful yoga teacher but also an amazing and sensitive woman !
Carmen Csecsele
YogaUlli, your yoga classes have been such an enrichment for me and have sent me further on my yoga path! Thank you so much for that!
Uta Sachsa – Gebert
PRIVATE YOGAWe have already met Ulli in person and practiced yoga with her. Ulli spreads a very loving warm atmosphere, leads very well, so that not only I had a great yoga practice, but also my husband has felt very well taken care of with her. (an absolute exception)
Viola Lörincz
YOGAI have known Ulli for a very long time… through her I found the love for yoga and also got to know myself in a new way. Practicing yoga with Ulli is such a precious time that I don’t want to miss. I thank you dear Ulli also in this way that you exist!
Sabine Messerschmidt
YOGAWith her sensitive way, Ulli Manhart guides you through a yoga practice that nourishes body and mind. A sung mantra at the beginning, setting a focus, the actual movement, a text at the end, has always grounded me and given me strength.
Heidrun Wiserner-Stromberg
YOGA & MEDITATIONAfter I was allowed to get to know Ulli in Mallorca, it was every time an additional pleasure to visit this island and participate in her yoga classes. Her sunny, warm, gentle and at the same time powerful way of teaching yoga has touched me very much and inspired me on my yoga path. It is a gift to practice yoga with her. Thank you dear Ulli.
Healing Gossip

Yoga & Healing Offerings
Yoga 1:1 Sessions
Business Yoga
Retreat Teacher
Sound Healing
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